The No-Stress Guide to Thanksgiving Wine

What kind of wine does one serve at the family Thanksgiving meal? The best advice, says master sommelier Matt Stamp, from Napa, California, is not to overthink it. There are so many dishes served at this meal, including contributions from many relatives; with this in mind, it is best to keep it simple. If you want to highlight the various flavors of the meal, serve a light, fruity white wine. If you would like to complement the earthy side of many dishes, choose a red wine with delicate tannins. Having a fizzy drink or a dessert wine is also acceptable. Just make sure you bring enough wine for everyone: usually between two and four drinks per person. There are about five glasses in each bottle of wine, so this should help you estimate. Matt also gives us wonderful suggestions for specific wines in each category to boot – enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t overthink your wine selection, a white wine will brighten any meal.
  • A red wine will complement the earthy tones of your holiday feast.
  • A bubbly drink will help wash down your meal and make uncomfortable situations much more pleasant.

“To brighten the meal and highlight its toasty flavors and unctuous textures, offer white wine with a little richness and a touch of fruity sweetness.”

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